Artificial Intelligence, Influence on Online Food Ordering and Others


As long as humans seek to simplify our lives daily, there’s no doubt that we will continue to explore the many discoveries with Machine intelligence also known as Artificial Intelligence (AI). The ability of a machine to think like humans, analyze situations and propose the best possible solutions is the idea of Artificial Intelligence.

In as much as we seek to make everything in our lives easier by investing into artificial intelligence, we must also think about what gross advancement in that field will do to the unemployment situations in the world. Most people are still reluctant to accept this phenomenon. It is believed that if machines can function as humans then there will be no need to bear the extra cost of hiring more people to do work. Typically when these machines have been programmed to be very efficient and productive. 

However as people have their reservations about the topic, it seems that AI has come to stay. In many industries all over the world, we have instances of some form of artificial intelligence to help simplify a process. Even our phones have some form Artificial Intelligence. Apple’s Siri, Google Assistant etc. are one of the closest forms to us.

Artificial Intelligence in the Online Food Industry

According to an article on Tech Emergence, The food service industry is an economic staple generating billions of dollars in annual revenue and representing 2.1 percent of the U.S. GDP in 2016. As a result AI is making its way into this industry.

In Ghana, food ordering apps like Pizarea have inculcated Chabots and other apps that receive customer requests and process these requests into personalised orders. They have also used AI technology to help keep them updated on new orders coming in, orders that have been completed and customers that are yet to be served. It has created a rather efficient way of managing the business. Other companies like JumiaFood and other food delivery companies have also inculcated some form of AI into their business. Currently drones are even being used for delivery.

Outside Ghana, according to Tech Emergence, restaurants are using AI-driven robots to increase capacity and speed of food preparation and delivery. Developers are apparently designing applications which use AI to help consumers choose meals based on their eating preferences. Restaurants are also integrating AI-driven Kiosks to reduce customer waiting time and enhance the customer ordering experience.

Artificial Intelligence in Other Industries

Aside online food ordering, AI is helping a lot in the health sector. There are AI systems that are able to predict up to about 90% whether people will commit suicide or not. In transportation, companies are running trials for driver-less cars. Some companies are also trying to come up with ways to manage roads, such that cars with car-mounted cellphone cameras to snap photos of street conditions to determine which roads are good and which ones need repair according to The Mercury News.

In every sector or industry artificial intelligence has come to stay. Embracing its advantages and possible disadvantages and learning to appreciate what it brings to our present and future is the sure way to go.

Source: Tech Emergence,  Mercury News





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