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Deals we live on

Recently people think promotions, sales, and discounts are a thing of the past. However, research shows that the demand for it now is skyrocketing. This goes to say that people are still interested in promotions and business need to take advantage of it in order to get loyal customers. Interestingly, there are some people who solely place their loyalty in certain products or businesses based on the sales and discounts they offer. 

Knowing this, Papa’s Pizza offers a promo called the Monday Madness. Where any large sized pizza available for sale there goes for just Ghc29. However without the promo, a large sized pizza costs between Ghc43 an Ghc56. If you have tasted Papa’s Pizza before then you will know what it means to lose out on such an offer. If you haven’t though this is the time for you to definitely try it out. Not only is it affordable but it is heavily loaded and delicious. This is a discount you definitely can’t sit out. You ought to be part of the game. So when a Monday comes just remember the Madness that comes with it at Papa’s Pizza and yours will never be an unfulfilled one.

However, should it be a Tuesday or Wednesday and you crave for another food promo. Then the Eddys Pizza Buy and Get One Free is yours for the taking. The amazing thing is that the promotion applies to everything they sell from pizza to rice, burgers, fries and sandwich. This promo is available at all their branches. With the exception of the Weija branch not offering it on Wednesdays. You must however take note that there is no delivery available for the freebies. To enjoy it you need to place a pick-up order on or the Pizarea app.

In addition, you get a discount of 5 percent off your next order anytime you refer a friend to place an order with Pizarea. So the more you refer, the higher your  discount.

Everyday of the week is promo day on Pizarea! Wonp3 wei na wop3 di3n?? Don’t miss out join the trail of fun!!!

Pizarea – making food ordering a delight-

New Features implemented this year

“Progress is impossible without change and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything” George Bernard Shaw

Pizarea is a platform that takes the interest of their customers to heart. In light of this, day by day we keep researching on ways to make your experience as smooth as possible as well as a pleasant one. Just like our motto, “we make food ordering a delight” and we certainly do not disappoint.

More Searching Options

To start with, customers can now search for the meal they want, the restaurant they want to order from or enter their location. Before this new feature, customers could enter location in the search bar. The reason for this new feature was due to the consistent requests from customers to search for the meal they want as well restaurant in order to facilitate the process. However, with Pizarea growing by the day, it is only fair that customers can easily find what they need rather than perusing through a list of restaurants generated to choose from.

Rider Assignment System 

In addition, Pizarea added rider assignation system. This new feature enables customers to receive the details of the dispatch rider conveying their food. This feature creates assurance and builds the trust of our customers in Pizarea. It has also helped for easy communication between the customers and the dispatch riders especially on new development such as a sudden change of location. It also builds a very well structured system for Pizarea.

Payment with Vouchers

Furthermore, customers can now make payment via vouchers. With this new feature, customers can request for vouchers to give to loved ones as gift cards. Also, customers are able to convert their money into a voucher to be used later. This promotes flexibility in payment for customers.

Pizarea Drivers

Being a local start-up, we are very conversant with the struggles in the economy. Due to this we created Pizarea Drivers as a complimentary Pizarea service to help people earn money through deliveries. If you have a motorbike, bicycle, or car you can register with Pizarea to make deliveries. This feature has given us a large pool of dispatch riders to make deliveries and this in turn has further reduced the time taken for customers to receive their orders.

Pop-ups Feature

Another amazing feature is the implementation pop-ups on the website. Customers are informed of promotions being run on the page as soon as they open the site. As well as any new development or information Pizarea wishes to convey to its customers. In addition to all the other channels used to inform our customers, pop-ups system helps to reach our customers and potential clients easily.

We will continue to implement changes that will continue to suit our customers since we are because you are. Satisfying the demand of our customers is a keen reason to keep striving for the best.

Diary of a Ghanaian Foodie

pizarea foodis

Ghana is blessed with resources – both for the pocket and for the stomach. What you prefer is based solely on who you are, what you believe in, among others. I prefer to deal first with my stomach, although others may argue that the former is the means to the latter. I have no reason and I can’t attempt to explain. I am what I am- a lover of food, a foodie.

Cambridge Dictionary defines a foodie as a person who loves food and is very interested in different kinds of food. I love food; I am very interested in different kinds of food; and therefore I am a foodie. I don’t blame me, I blame my mother and after I explain myself, you will blame her too. I grew up in an average home where choice was a luxury. We did not get to be picky, especially with food. My siblings and I ate as much as we wanted daily from what was served us, not daring to complain or to make a counter request. Typically, the average African home is like that. You eat what you are served or you attract a punch. My mother’s punch was brutal and I was no fool to let it come my way. So, I grew up like this, appreciating the smallest things that contain nutrients.

It is not hard to be a foodie in Ghana, a country with so many tribes, each having their own mouth-watering delicacies that are both pleasing to the eye and to the gut. Ghanaian foods are mainly manually-processed carbohydrate foods, usually accompanied by sumptuous stews and soups, with an added element of protein to suit one’s taste. Each tribe seems to have a little nutritive surprise for the other’s taste buds so much so that one is forced to remain at peace with his brother for the benefits of his belly. In fact, if there ever was a driving force behind Ghana’s long-known peace, I would not hesitate to point fingers at our food.

Our multiculturalism as a country has definitely played a role in making us an embodiment of peace and unity. Think of it- You fight your brother from a different tribe at your very own risk. Food is the glue that keeps us alive and together and as long as I remain an advocate for peace, I will continue to honour food the way it should. I am not saying I have a voracious appetite for food; I am no glutton. I am just a lover of food, a proud foodie.

By Juliet Agyapong

Pizarea- Buy Pizza online in Accra


Pizza is a delicacy most people enjoy. It is preferred to most meals because of how quick it is prepared and how satisfying it can be. Pizza in most restaurants usually takes just about 15-25 minutes to prepare, and of course it is best served hot. There are so many pizza outlets due to its high demand. People usually prefer it because it is the easiest to share with loved ones.

Pizza is a flattened disk of bread dough topped with meat and/or vegetables and cheese. It is baked quickly usually in a commercial setting, using a wood-fired oven heated to a very high temperature—and served hot.

Legend has it that, Pizza spread from Italy throughout much of the rest of the world, and, in regions outside of Italy. The popularity of pizza in the United States began with the Italian community in New York City. The first pizzeria appeared there in 1905, then the pizza industry boomed after World War II.

However, the origination of Pizza is still unclear. So many countries are claiming the origin to be theirs. Nevertheless, pizza originating from Italy seems to be the major source most people are acknowledging. Well, as to who brought it, we can only thank them for this delicious delicacy and enjoy it as much we can.

There are various types of pizza and the name varies per the restaurant selling the pizza. However, the name is usually determined by the toppings spread on the dough. One of the simplest and most traditional pizzas is the Margherita also known as Cheese Pizza, which is topped with tomatoes or tomato sauce, mozzarella, and basil.

In Ghana, pizza is special favourite. People buy pizza in Accra on almost all occasions from ordinary days to special days. There are several pizza restaurants around but the most popular are Eddys Pizza, Accra and Papa’s Pizza, Accra. These have dominated the industry and set the pace for others to follow. The most popular pizza flavours in Ghana are Margherita, Pepperoni, Assorted Meat, All Seasons Pizza, etc.

The pizza craze is so intense that some flavours have been named after popular songs like “no kissing babe” mainly because it contains Garlic so it makes it difficult to stand someone’s breath let alone kiss them…lol. There are other interesting names like Opana pizza, Ghanaman pizza and the likes.

Well, for all sorts of Pizza in Ghana; Pizarea -an online food shopping platform- makes it easy to order and buy from any of these popular pizza joints in Accra to be delivered at your comfort zone. Buy Pizza in Accra with this online food ordering platform. It is easy, safe, convenient and reliable!

So on a lighter note, “Opana, GhanaMan no kissing babe today ooo”. Keep enjoying this amazing delicacy but have it more pleasant with Pizarea. Chao…


Pizarea Saves Valentine's day! Order food online with Pizarea


It’s amazing how services like Pizarea can bring people together… I met Fred a year ago at papas pizza, he’s always been a workaholic and it had affected our relationship these past few months. I could not forgive him if he missed this special day of love, forgetting my birthday was enough. Mind you, I’m not looking for something extravagant just a me-and-you time with a bottle of Coca-Cola and my favourite “no Kissing babe” pizza from Papas Pizza.
It’s 7:15 pm, and he hasn’t texted me or called and as I figured, there it was switched off. Eeiii, Abrante3 yi paa… I sadly lamented. Meanwhile my roommate NanaAma, got a pizza delivery from Eddy’s Pizza East Legon, apparently Joojo the darling boy placed an order online on a platform called Pizarea!

Hmmm…why me? I could hear the other girls whispering about my mood, as they teased “girl no wa gnashi”, yet still I wanted to wait for a while before I blacklisted Fred!!!
Then hours later, I heard a knock…. it was unexpected, unimaginable, my heart missed a beat!
Oh my word… He remembered!

A delivery guy handed me my favourite “no Kissing babe” pizza, Fried rice with grilled chicken and a bottle of St. Michael Fruit juice with a card that read… I hope I’m not too late! Will you be my valentine? Will pick you up at 10 PM. Come and see smiles as I dug into my wardrobe searching for the red crop top and the high waist jeans I bought from a popular boutique. In no time I was ready and busily waiting…shame on all the haters I thought out loud.
Fred picked me up at 10 and gave me the best treat ever, I couldn’t have asked for more.

As we journeyed back, he confessed… Sweetheart I totally forgot, I was engaged in a meeting for hours, had it not been for my colleagues who referred me to Pizarea, I know you would have left me for good. It’s saved me the long queues, it was very responsive, and most importantly it saved us. As I laid down, I kept repeating, thank you Pizarea I owe you my man!……from a loyal pizarea customer a year ago!

Order food online with fast delivery



Are you in the mood for some pampering? Are you too busy or tired to queue for your favorite food? Or wondering what to eat or quench your thirst with? Wondering where to get it soon to your comfort zone? Then, order food online with Pizarea, it is suitable for all these needs and more.

Pizarea is an online food ordering platform available as a mobile application on the Google Playstore and as a website. It enables people to access nearby restaurants, browse their menu, place orders with them and have it delivered to their doorstep. There are several restaurants on the platform with several menu items available including local (Ghanaian food) and continental cuisines. Pizarea is within and Accra, Tema and beyond.


Pizarea is currently in partnership with some of the best restaurants in Ghana. They are:

Some of them mainly specialize in breakfast, brunch, lunch, and dinner.



It is very simple, easy, and safe to use Pizarea. The image below summarises how it works.

piz tutorial-min




Pizarea has a chat system that enables clients to chat with a 24/7 online support both on the application and the website. There is also a customer service representative always happy and ready to assist with any challenge faced while ordering and provide the needed information on restaurant’s opening and closing times, menu, specialties, delivery charges and reservations.



In addition, Pizarea allows you to make payments online via MPower (Mobile money), VISA, Slydepay, and Payza. Moreover, orders can be placed and paid for loved ones in Ghana by People abroad via World Remit. Customers notwithstanding, can pay cash on delivery or cash on pick-up in order to skip long queues at favourite restaurants.



Pizarea has an efficient delivery system that enables customers to track their orders via a link provided when the order is verified. Orders placed are received in 45 minutes or less. Delivery covers the whole of Accra and Tema, and orders are delivered at the comfort of your offices, homes, and convenient location you prefer. Pizarea is so flexible that it can be done off the back of a bus and even in a plane.